"If walls could speak" expo
“If Walls Could Speak” Little known, but incredibly powerful: the firewall. It protects us from all… -
Geometrically Speaking
Imagine if we could see all the logos ever designed in the world and they became part of our… -
UTL posters
Poster series announcing the exhibition "Unfollow the Leader" (February 2023, Showroom, St Lucas… -
"Geometrically Speaking" expo
Imagine if we could see every logo ever designed. Where have all the sketches, rejected designs and… -
Berchem Folded Sans
Following a design competition organized by the NMBS Holding (The National Company of Belgian… -
Integrated conferences
For the event identity of the Integrated Conferences, we set up a kind of sub studio: Studio… -
Between 2003 and 2006 visionandfactory moved into the second floor of the iconic Studiotrope… -
"Unfollow the leader" expo
Unfollow the leader. Exhibition Showroom Sint Lucas Antwerp, Feb. 13 to 18, 2023 Unfollow the… -
Free of charge posters
Visionandfactory was often invited to participate in pitches, which the studio almost never did.… -
Do you recognise this? “Where did they get this from?”
The beneficial effect of “no.”
Do you recognise this? “Where did they get this from?” Pay particular attention to the word ‘they’,… -
Berchem Station Antwerp
Visionandfactory was selected through a competition by the NMBS (Belgian Railways Company) to… -
What does graphic design anno 2023 mean? A pleiad of form and formalism?
Graphic Design Roots
This is the expo text accompanying the exhibition 'Unfollow the leader', February 2023 at the… -
With whom am I talking?
An entry badge gives you access, hence it is an entry badge, usually mentions your name, but we… -
Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp - visual identity A very comprehensive identity for a beautiful… -
Integrated 2019
Radical Imagination. Integrated2019 was a biennial international art & design conference, which… -
Even though I can admire such a trait to a certain extent, I do cherish humbleness more than ever as I grow older. And to be honest, I’m really fine with that.
The Word – interview
Written by Emi Vergels, published on november 14, 2017 in Art / Curator talks, © The Word magazine.… -
Think in colour
Think in Colour. This monograph, featuring the work of Hugo Puttaert and his studio… -
Curating exhibitions
Curating exhibitions. In my position as lecturer in the master program at Sint-Lucas Hogeschool… -
Integrated 2017
Between creativity and criminality. The art and design of civil domains. Integrated2017 was a… -
VSTA 2014
Van Stof tot Asse 2014 Exhibition catalog accompanying the triennial exhibition of contemporary… -
Integrated 2015
The change from within. Integrated2015 was a biennial international art & design conference,… -
Integrated 2013
The fluidity in-between… Integrated2013 was a biennial international art & design conference,… -
Skip the intro
Skip the intro – master publication – St Lucas School of Arts, Antwerp. Published by YellowPress.… -
Vlaamse Opera
Flanders Opera - visual identity The Flemish Opera, now Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, is a prestigious… -
Integrated 2011
Let’s get rid of all dictates! Integrated2011 was a biennial international art & design… -
Ik denk plots – terwijl de ober mij weer aantikt – aan een oude collega die steevast ‘saaie Zwitsers’ tegen zijn studenten placht te zeggen, als hij hun werk weer eens inspiratieloos vond.
Jan en Randoald. Cheaters! That is what they are!
Introduction to the work of janenrandoald. Published in their first book 'Graphic micmac' (2008).… -
Integrated 2009
Integrated2009 was a biennial international art & design conference, which took place at… -
The American designer Paul Sahre concluded his spirited presentation at Integrated2011 with a pretty wittyremark: "Design whatever you want!".
The fluidity in-between.
The manifesto announcing the Integrated2011 international art & design conference. Published… -
Renowned designers on Specials
Renowned designers on Specials' was an initiative on a European scale by visionandfactory that, in… -
Addmagazine issue 14
Addmagazine 14. International magazine about print & other media. Published by Papyrus and… -
Logo’s, toegepast als wapenschild van brand en corporate identity, hebben hun nut zeker al bewezen. Maar of dat ook het geval is met nieuwe logo’s voor ‘gevestigde’ merken?
A new logo doesn't make spring.
This essay was written for Addmagazine issue 10 and was published in 2011. Language: Dutch &… -
Integrated conference posters
These posters were designed on the occasion of the various Integrated conferences, by Studio… -
The Federation of European Data and Marketing (FEDMA) represents the interests of the data and… -
Integrated 2007
Integrated2007 was the first edition of this biennial international art and design conference,… -
Think in Colour book launch
Think in Colour. This monograph, featuring the work of Hugo Puttaert and his studio… -
Radical Imagination thus shows the real power of creativity, i.e. the ability to create a new world and to depict an alternative world view.
Radical imagination.
The manifesto announcing the Integrated2019 international art & design conference. Written by… -
Expo posters Sint Lucas Antwerp
These posters were designed on the occasion of various exhibitions and mini-conferences, either on… -
There is no alternative. In other words: vote, shut up and endure.
Between creativity and criminality.
The manifesto announcing the Integrated2017 international art & design conference. Written by… -
Exhibition posters
Throughout its existence, visionandfactory has designed exhibition posters more than once. This was… -
Stichting Stad en Architectuur
Stad en Architectuur VZW makes a stimulating architectural climate visible, experienceable and… -
Old newbie posters
Old work. Shall we show it? Work by an ignorant, just graduated young and inexperienced artist?… -
Posters as a performance
The collaboration with artist Jo De Smedt often led to controversial solutions. Since the… -
Fonteyn Wouters
Fonteyn-Wouters arose from a merger of two large bookstore groups from the Netherlands and Belgium.… -
Selected work 1982–2014
Think in Colour. This monograph, featuring the work of Hugo Puttaert and his studio… -
VSTA 2017
Van Stof tot Asse 2017 Exhibition catalog accompanying the triennial exhibition of contemporary… -
Citype conference posters
Citype was the name of two legendary mini-conferences, just before the turn of the century, in… -
DICE – Erfgoed Vlaanderen
In 2005, the City of Antwerp's Erfgoedcel (heritage unit) commissioned visionandfactory to design a… -
Don't mess
Advocate is a paper brand from the British group Tullis Russell. GPG Belgium (MAP Group)… -
Citype 1999
Citype 1999 was an international conference on graphic and typographic design, which took place… -
Designfest – GPG Papier
Designfest was an initiative of GPG Papier (MAP Belgium) and visionandfactory. It was a design… -
Lecture goodies
The studio made it a sport to design playful announcement flyers and T-shirts as giveaways when we… -
A smiling, grey-haired man stood in the doorway of a stately townhouse in Haut-Ittre, Belgium. Inside, the warmth of the interior welcomed us with restrained anticipation.
Michel Olyff: image as effigy.
This essay was written for 'Off the grid, Histories of Belgian graphic design' edited by Sara De… -
Flemish posters exhibition
For the retrospective exhibition 'Twenty years of cultural posters in Flanders', commissioned by… -
Solidskin was launched as a new product by the Belgian Apok Group. This group specializes in roof… -
Citype 1997
Citype 1997 was an international conference on graphic and typographic design, which took place… -
Integrated2011 booklet
Program booklet of Integrated2011, the third edition of this biennial art and design conference.… -
VSTA 2002
Van Stof tot Asse 2002 Exhibition catalog accompanying the triennial exhibition of contemporary… -
VSTA 2011
Van Stof tot Asse 2011 Exhibition catalogue for the triennial contemporary art show. The visual… -
Stop Designing Start Thinking
Stop Designing Start Thinking SDST was a book concept conceived in 2004 at the invitation of a… -
The concept is that there is no concept.
NeonMoiré – interview
Written by Thomas Dahm, published on Saturday October 28, 2017 by © NeonMoiré. Photo by © Tijs… -
The LCI Technology group was one of the leading IT groups in Europe at the beginning of the… -
Ad!dict conference reviews
Ad!dict magazine was a leading magazine on visual visual culture. We regularly acted as reporters… -
Gerda De Ceukelaire
Gerda De Ceukelaire has been designing her own handbag collection since 2000. The bags have unique… -
Clumsy posters
Design for the invitation to the inauguration of the first Qua-Ant-Em electronic microscope in… -
Ook Turbotrekker is er bij. Hij verbergt met zijn immense ronde tronie een zekere Samantha Wormendorst, een frivole graatmagere vrouw – anders dan haar naam zou doen vermoeden – met een missie.
Wesley Wolkman. The search for WW!
Incredible nonsense about an incredible collective. Published in Addmagazine issue 9/2010.… -
Integrated2009 booklet
Program booklet of Integrated2009, the second edition of this biennial art and design conference.… -
Nooit heb ik hem ontmoet: Lucien De Roeck. Het leek steeds alsof ie net vertrokken was, zijn schaduw – of zal ik zeggen zijn 'aura' – achterlatend.
Lucien De Roeck. A monument that did not want to be.
Contribution, commissioned by publisher Racine for the book 'Lucien De Roeck. De l'Affiche à la… -
Intensia (originally Intellia) was a highly innovative IT company that specialized in the latest… -
Addmagazine issue 13
Addmagazine 13. International magazine about print & other media. Published by Papyrus and… -
System Solutions
At the end of the nineties, System Solutions was one of the leading software developers in Belgium.… -
Karel De Meester
Karel De Meester – art catalogue. Commissioned by Galerie de Ziener. This book deals with the work… -
Vlaams-Nederlands huis – de Buren
Vlaams-Nederlands huis 'deBuren' - identity The Vlaams-Nederlands huis is a cultural exchange… -
Welcome to posthistory
Welcome to posthistory was a lecture performance by cultural-philosopher Lieven De Cauter at the… -
I swear I use no art at all (10 years, 100 books, 18,788 pages).
Joost Grootens. Young-old.
About the work of Studio Joost Grootens. Published in Addmagazine, issue 14/2016. Language: Dutch… -
Students for Type – FontShop
Students For Type was a humorous and temporary initiative of the master students of Sint Lucas… -
Designing your own identity as a graphic design agency is probably not the best idea. Yet we did… -
I am very sorry, but sadly you won’t be able to join my movement, because I have changed my mind. I do not think style is a fart anymore.
Stefan Sagmeister, formerly known as Stefan Sagmeister.
Interview with the most awarded 'enfant terrible' of graphic design worldwide. Published in… -
Cultuurnet Vlaanderen
Cultuurnet Vlaanderen was an initiative of the Cabinet of the Minister of Culture, Flanders (now… -
Final–ly unpublished – master publication – St Lucas School of Arts, Antwerp. Published by… -
Veerle Beckers
Veerle Beckers – Harvest Artist book about the work of Ghent-based painter Veerle Beckers. The book… -
Paper Connection – Sappi
Sappi is a leading global supplier of renewable paper products based on wood fibres. For this… -
U houdt een catalogus in de hand. Dat is logisch want een catalogus hoort bij een tentoonstelling
Gilles Fiszman: the power of nuance.
This essay was written for 'Off the grid, Histories of Belgian graphic design' edited by Sara De… -
VSTA 2005
Van Stof tot Asse 2005 Exhibition catalog accompanying the triennial exhibition of contemporary… -
C-Cure was a leading Belgian IT company that developed software for data security. This… -
Integrated2007 booklet
Program booklet of Integrated2007, the first edition of this biennial art and design conference.… -
Voka, Flemish network of enterprises, is a Flemish employers' organisation. After a market study in… -
Prenez la parole!
Pierre Bernard leaves behind a conscience, color and silence.
A tribute to Pierre Bernard, colleague and friend, upon his unexpected death in 2015. Published in… -
PCp (Peter Cornoedus Architects) is a Limburg architectural firm that has been active for more than… -
Tales of a city, Istanbul, The Hague
Tales of a city, Istanbul, The Hague, Antwerp. 'Tales of a City' was an international exchange… -
Want lelijkheid inspireert en drijft ons tot esthetiek. Maar ook het omgekeerde is waar. In die zin: absolute esthetiek heeft ook iets controversieels.
L'inspiration se trouve partout.
Critical essay on the position of the designer and his client in the current cultural environment.… -
Norman Dilworth
Norman Dilworth – art catalogue. Commissioned by Galerie de Ziener. Change is the only constant.… -
Lenzatop – MAP Belgium
LenzaTop is a 100% recycled paper launched by MAP Belgium in 2002. Visionandfactory designed the… -
Reprint – MAP Belgium
Reprint is a 100% recycled coated paper launched by MAP Belgium and Dalum Papir A/S in 2002.… -
VSTA 2008
Van Stof tot Asse 2008 Exhibition catalog accompanying the triennial exhibition of contemporary… -
EVA vzw (now EVA bxl) is a social lab. It conceives, develops, tests and evaluates projects and… -
Prevent aims to grow people and organizations in a balanced and innovative way, caring for human… -
30 years of networking – Swift
SWIFT is a global cooperative and the largest provider of secure financial messaging services.… -
Paul Morez
Paul Morez – art catalogue. Commissioned by Galerie de Ziener. This catalog was published on the… -
Contrapunt, Direct marketing services, is a company that helps and supports its clients in the… -
People will often agree to disagree, but when the topic is ‘esthetics’ and ‘taste’ the gloves come off.
Le paysage est magnifique!
Critical essay commissioned by Design Flanders & published in Kwintessens issue 2009-4.… -
2017 – het paleis
2017 was an action, a kind of ten-year plan, set up in 2006 by a number of Antwerp cultural houses,… -
Het ABC van het DNA
'The ABC of DNA' was an interactive and educational exhibition organized by the Department of Human… -
Erfgoedwijzer – FARO
Erfgoedwijzer is an initiative of FARO and the Flemish Community to map all valuable heritage and… - was a Belgian startup (The Leisure Company) that in the very beginning of the… -
Brussel is gewaarschuwd.
Woutwalt, visual city poets anno 2007.
Taggers in print and vernacular addicts, active in the heart of Brussels. Published in Addmagazine… -
Bodybuilders World
Catalog of Bodybuilders World, a photographic project by renowned advertising photographer Kurt… -
Trevi specializes in the rental and sale of residential real estate. The company called on the… -
‘Design’ is haast een ‘bevel’ geworden. Wee diegene die geen design in huis heeft!
L'inspiration n'est pas un privilège.
Lecture at the proclamation ceremony, Masters Sint Lucas Antwerp (2009). Language: Dutch. -
MediaTower supports marketers in their core tasks: customer acquisition, newspaper retention and… -
KULTUR – art catalogue. Commissioned by galerie De Ziener & Jo De Smedt.. This catalog was… -
Eflavours is a web design agency based in Antwerp, Belgium, specializing in developing websites for… -
Hot Air Consultants – Arjo Wiggins
Conqueror is one of the best-known paper brands in the world. It is a product of the Arjo Wiggins… -
Obis coordinators is a company that ensures safety on building sites. It asked visionandfactory to… -
Eugene WWF
Eugene, standard for green energy, a quality label under the auspices of the WWF. In 2004, the WWF… -
MFA workshop OTIS Los Angeles
'Design Week' was an annual international workshop week for MFA students from various partner art… -
Calvet is a company active in industrial automation, from machine tools to training &… -
Good design is inspiring, excellent design has balls.
Designing is hard work.
Critical essay about the commercialisation of design. Published in De Standaard, on the occasion of… -
Gelieve de bomen niet te voederen!
Rose Woods. With love from Antwerp.
About the uncatchable Rose Woods, the Belgian version of Banksy, but better! Published in… -
De Coker
De Coker- Document facilities (now Albe De Coker) is an ultra modern green printing company. The… -
Do you charge by the inch?
Jo De Smedt. Comic Jo.
Foreword catalogue Jo De Smedt, artist represented by Gallery De Ziener (2009). Language: Dutch. -
Envelplus was a well-known range of envelopes from Papyrus International. Visionandfactory designed… -
You are not sure who the sender might be. Some obscure new organisation? You take a closer look.
Damned pitches.
Critical essay on that damned plague of pitches. Published online. Language: English. -
Reserva was an agency specialized in trademark management. Visionandfactory designed a new identity… -
Hello, I am Erik. Typographer, Designer, Entrepreneur.
Hello, I am Erik.
A book review of 'Hello, I am Erik', colleague and friend. Published in Addmagazine, issue 14/2016.… -
Teachers' Exchange Sarasota
A teacher exchange project with colleague Jeff Bleitz between the St Lucas School of Arts, Antwerp… -
Advocate brand campaign
Advocate is a paper brand from the British group Tullis Russell. GPG Belgium (MAP Group)… -
Ad infinitum
Ad infinitum – photo book. Commissioned by Kris Vervaeke, photographer, Singapore. This book… -
Aelbrecht keukens
Aelbrecht Keukens is an SME specializing in the installation of Italian designer kitchens and… -
Erwin Mortier
Erwin Mortier – Naar nergens smaken Book/multiple for the Flemish author Erwin Mortier,… -
Meneer Afzal
Pieter de Buysser – De ongelooflijke veranderingen van meneer Afzal (…). Bibliophile edition,… -
Econcern Group
The Econcern group, was a holding that focused on sustainable energy solutions. Visionandfactory… -
Tuukka Tammisaari
Tuukka Tammisaari – art catalogue. Commissioned by Kristof De Clercq gallery. This catalog titled… -
Jaja, u hoort het goed. Push the button!
Tim Knapen. God Mode.
Push the button and see what happens. Young and extremely talented Tim Knapen about his graduating… -
Mario De Brabandere
Mario De Brabandere – art catalogue. Commissioned by Galerie de Ziener. This catalog was published… -
Op mens en maat
'Op mens en maat', catalog. Commissioned by VIZO/Design Flanders. This catalog was published on the… -
Zoals elk ‘gewetensvol’ grafisch ontwerper ben ik geabonneerd op diverse typografische e-mail newsletters. Kwestie van ‘de vinger aan de typografische pols te houden’.
Rod McDonald. Don't say 'slap' to a 'slab'.
Article about the work of the Canadian typedesigner Rod McDonald. Published in Addmagazine, issue… -
The power of print 2007
Cultural poster and leaflet competition 2007 – catalog. Commissioned by Prospekta. The overall… -
U kent alleen de Times en de Arial? Ja die met en zonder voetjes. Grappig hé.
Message to Grand Master Vermicelli.
Book published during the Fiffteen, FUSE and Erik Spiekermann exhibition in Antwerp in 2006. A… -
Mathematisch-Vorm-Systeem, art catalog. Commissioned by Gemeenschapscentrum De Markten and Galerie… -
Students For Type
Students For Type was a humorous and temporary initiative of the master students of Sint Lucas… -
Van Reybrouck
Van Reybrouck Accountants & Tax consultants is an independent consulting firm with offices in… -
VSTA 1996
Van Stof tot Asse 1996 Exhibition catalog accompanying the triennial exhibition of contemporary… -
Paper finder
GPG Papier (formerly a member of the MAP Group, now Antalis) commissioned visionandfactory to… -
Ad!dict collaborations
Ad!dict magazine was a leading magazine on visual image culture. Visionandfactory was regularly… -
Doch niet getreurd, dit is marketing en marketing is als God (en Moeder Maria op de tweede cover) overal.
Art needs to get back into the streets.
Critical essay on the strange relationship between contemporary art and current marketing… -
Addmagazine issue 3
Addmagazine 3 – authenticity. International magazine about print & other media. Published by… -
I guess no creative is born in a vacuum…
The Stone Twins: We like to engage!
Article about The Stone Twins, graphic designers, based in Amsterdam. Published in Addmagazine,… -
Geef toe, dit beest heb je op je dagelijkse avondwandeling wellicht nog niet gezien.
Pictoplasma. An owl with balls!
A short review on the work of the Berlin based collective Pictoplasma. Published in Addmagazine… -
Addmagazine issue 4
Addmagazine 4 – synergy. International magazine about print & other media. Published by Papyrus… -
Addmagazine issue 11
Addmagazine 11 – conjunction. International magazine about print & other media. Published by… -
Vrijheid, maar geen vrijblijvendheid!
Don’t think black and white, think in colour.
Interview by Patrick Auwelaert about my work as a professor, teaching book design. Published in… -
Addmagazine issue 6
Addmagazine 6 – reconstruction. International magazine about print & other media. Published by… -
Zijn niet driekwart van de muzikanten grafisch ontwerper of omgekeerd?
Gert Dooreman, Herman Houbrechts, Tom Hautekiet.
Article about the work of Gert Dooreman, Herman Houbrechts and Tom Hautekiet. Published in… -
Addmagazine issue 12
Addmagazine 12 – new pictoriality. International magazine about print & other media. Published… -
Addmagazine issue 9
Addmagazine 9 – reinvention. International magazine about print & other media. Published by… -
Febelhout was the sector federation of the wood and furniture industry. In 2007, it merged with… -
Addmagazine issue 10
Addmagazine 10 – in progress. International magazine about print & other media. Published by… -
Cultureel Centrum Hasselt
Cultuurcentrum Hasselt (CCHa) - visual identity Commissioned by Cultuurcentrum Hasselt. Strategic… -
IHC Group
Commissioned by IHC, ICT solutions for hospitals. Strategic advice, creation new logo &… -
Addmagazine issue 7
Addmagazine 7 – durability. International magazine about print & other media. Published by… -
Addmagazine issue 8
Addmagazine 8 – narrativity. International magazine about print & other media. Published by… -
Muxum was a leading network company, active in the fast growing IT communication market. In 2001,… -
Stefaan Vermuyten
Stefaan Vermuyten – art catalogue. Commissioned by Galerie de Ziener. If it is not art, it must be… -
Tablo de Sjas
Jo De Smedt - art catalog. Commissioned by Gallery De Ziener. This catalog shows a snapshot of… -
Scabal, founded in 1938, is active as a manufacturer of exclusive men's suits and as a producer of… -
Diplomatic Considerations...
Advocate is a paper brand from the British group Tullis Russell. GPG Belgium (MAP Group)… -
Brody, visibly embarrassed, began to shift back and forth in his chair, and then – with a jaundiced smile – clasped his hands around the speaker’s neck. He did not strangle him, however.
Luk Mestdagh: an amiable troublemaker.
This essay was written for 'Off the grid, Histories of Belgian graphic design' edited by Sara De… -
The power of print 2009
Cultural poster and leaflet competition 2009 – catalog. Commissioned by Prospekta. This catalog… -
That wouldn’t be kosher, and that’s how my former colleague and I keep well out of range.
Kaleidoscopically irregular.
A critical essay about the increasing international influence of Belgian graphic design. Published… -
Gitek was an Antwerp-based IT consulting company that worked with IT professionals seconded to… -
I remember buying a poster from the Irish artist Les Levine, showing George Bush senior holding his hand up, shouting: “No new artists!” Was this supposed to portray Bush’s ultimate attempt to stop artistic activism, or his final endeavour to dictate other people’s minds?
Let’s get rid of all dictates.
The manifesto announcing the Integrated2011 international art & design conference. Published… -
Addmagazine issue 5
Addmagazine 5 – imagination. International magazine about print & other media. Published by… -
Paper Chain Forum
The Paper Chain Forum (now unites the different actors of the Belgian paper chain:… -
The power of print 2006
The power of print 2006 – book/catalogue. Commissioned by Prospekta, centre for art communication,… -
Via a strange video directed by Tony Oursler, Bowie predicted something that would happen three years later, that is, his death.
Where are we now?
Foreword for the master book of the St. Lucas School of Fine Arts, Antwerp. Language: English &… -
Zoals die ene song die zich – op een veel te vroege ochtend van een veel te grijze dag – vrolijk een weg baant doorheen je brein om je de hele dag gezelschap te houden.
Rob Marcelis. A (typo)graphic potpourri, but…
Interview with and article about Rob Marcelis, graphic designer. Published in Addmagazine, issue… -
Vlaams Vredesinstituut
The 'Vlaams Vredesinstituut' is an independent institute for peace research at the Flemish… -
Een typografisch walhalla midden in een eerder pompeus winkelcentrum. Dat kan alleen maar ergens in België zijn, wellicht in Wijnegem shopping center?
Stéphane de Schrevel. GOSOGZ!
Interview with and article about Stéphane de Schrevel, type & book designer. Published in… -
Victor Broos
Victor Broos 'De kracht van het alledaagse', monograph. Commissioned by Stichting Stad en… -
Laten we hier meteen komaf maken met de fabel dat ontwerpers en kunstenaars beter niet zouden praten.
Shapeshifters. Shaping voices.
Article about 'Shaping Voices', interviews with contemporary artists & graphic designers.… -
Kwintessens was a magazine published by Design Flanders (formerly VIZO). It gave an overview of… -
Waar is nu – godbetert – dat jong talent gebleven?
Wanted: Iconoclasts (M/F) revisited.
What in the heck happened to all that young up-and-coming talent? Published, as chairman of the… -
Ecowatt n.v. was founded in 1991 and was part of the Econcern group, a holding company that focused… -
Addmagazine issue 2
Addmagazine 2 – confrontation. International magazine about print & other media. Published by… -
Jean-Georges Massart - art catalog. Commissioned by Galerie de Ziener. This catalog shows the… -
Ik word triest van dat neurotische gedoe, van snel vooruitgaan en drastische verandering.
Stephan Vanfleteren. The drawn life.
Stephan Vanfleteren is one of the most known photographers at this moment. His pictures are very… -
The power of print 2008
Cultural poster and leaflet competition 2008 – catalog. Commissioned by Prospekta. This catalog… -
Er is het bos en er zijn de bomen. Ze zijn met velen.
Chemistry of paper, ink and paper.
Critical essay. Published, as chairman of the jury, by Prospekta on the occasion of the cultural… -
SOS Sport for Hope
SOS Sport for Hope was an initiative of SOS Children's Villages, with the aim of using sport as a… -
De scène is sterker dan de enscenering.
Carl De Keyzer. The scene is stronger than the staging.
Article, based on an inspiring talk with Magnum photographer Carl De Keyzer. Published in… -
Alive was a group of coaches who advised companies and organisations on change processes and people… -
Jespers maakt zijsprongen, waarbij hij de paradigma’s van het grafisch ontwerp prikkelt, verbreedt en soms ook ver achter zich laat.
Jelle Jespers. Letterpress, Fluxus and other goodies.
About the work of Antwerp graphic designer Jelle Jespers. Published in Addmagazine, issue 14/2016.… -
Advocate is a paper brand from the British group Tullis Russell. GPG Belgium (MAP Group)… -
'Rockpalast' zou hier beter klinken. Brussel heeft er meerdere, maar ongetwijfeld is de Ancienne Belgique, kortweg 'de AB' de belangrijkste.
Herman Houbrechts. Rock history: from AB to Z.
A book review of 'Rockgeschiedenis: van AB tot Z', designed by Herman Houbrechts. Published in… -
Addmagazine issue 1
Addmagazine 1 – metamorphosis. International magazine about print & other media. Published by… -
Une usine à produire de l’imaginaire.
Le Lieu Unique, AKA LU, Nantes.
The conversion of an old biscuit factory into an art centre. And about the design studio Helmo.… -
Commissioned by the Department of Art History at KU Leuven. A quality label to promote and support… -
Mario De Brabandere - drawings and paintings
Mario De Brabandere – art catalogue. Commissioned by Galerie de Ziener. Published on the occasion…