Selected work 1982–2014

Book cover, heated and at room temperature © visionandfactory
Unfolded cover © visionandfactory
Spread, showing work in collaboration with Mark van Varik & Christophe Clarijs © visionandfactory
Integrated2011 campaign, in collaboration with Christophe Clarijs © visionandfactory
Note block Citype99, in collaboration with Marcel Lennartz © visionandfactory
Be a boy, lecture TypoBerlin, in collaboration with Mark van Varik © visionandfactory
One of three covers © visionandfactory
Overview cover, back cover and unfolded cover © visionandfactory


Think in Colour.
This monograph, featuring the work of Hugo Puttaert and his studio visionandfactory, was published in 2014 by MER Paper Kunsthalle, with texts by Rick Poynor (foreword) and Steven Cleeren (central text, based on several interviews). The book shows a tight selection of work over a period of 25 years and is arranged according to the colours of the spectrum. The cover (in three versions) was printed with thermosensitive ink. When heated, the full colour palette and the full title appear: 'Think in colour, even if you prefer black and white'. An unmistakable credo.

The book was designed by the Swiss designer Dimitri Jeannottat in collaboration with Hugo Puttaert and was presented by means of an exhibition in the M HKA (Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp). The absurd scenography, consisting among other things of black furniture, ditto heating elements and a bizarre index, was designed by the Ghent graphic designer duo Jan and Randoald.

Cover: quadri (three versions) & thermo ink on Ensocoat 2S 300g, inside pages: process black and quadri offset printing on CyclusOffset 90g and MultiArt Gloss 150g, 384 pages, ft 17 x 23,5 cm. Typefaces: Stanley by Ludovic Balland & Theinhardt by François Rappo. Design: Dimitri Jeannottat & Hugo Puttaert, image editing: Marjeta Mornic, photography: Sven Dauphin. © MER Paper Kunsthalle & Hugo Puttaert/visionandfactory (2014).

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