Van Stof tot Asse 1996
Exhibition catalog accompanying the triennial exhibition of contemporary art. Commissioned by Galerie de Ziener. This is not a book, it is a religious-looking box that can be considered a time capsule. The cross refers to the biblical passage from Genesis 3:19, 'in the sweat of your eyes you shall eat bread, until you return to the earth, because you were taken from it; for dust you are, and to dust you shall return'. That is why ‘Van Stof tot Asse’ is the title of this triennial. This is the first publication in a series that will follow, over a period of 21 years.
Carton box, quadri offset + PMS on Consort Royal 250g, 52 pages, ft 29,7 x 21 cm. Photography by © Luc Verhaegen & Sven Dauphin. © Galerie de Ziener & Hugo Puttaert/visionandfactory (1996).