'The ABC of DNA' was an interactive and educational exhibition organized by the Department of Human Genetics of KU Leuven University on behalf of professors Peter Marynen and Jean-Jacques Cassiman. It was the first exhibition to make the world of DNA visible and understandable to a wider audience in such a comprehensive way. Architect Mauro Poponcini (now Polo Architects) designed the scenography of this expo in collaboration with Erik Desombere and Visionandfactory.
Typography, iconography and graphic design by Erik Desombere and visionandfactory: Johan Jacobs, Marcel Lennartz, Kim Matthé and Ronny Reuman. On-site placement: a team of alumni of St-Lucas School of Arts, Antwerp. Photography by Roger Laute. Art direction by Hugo Puttaert in collaboration with Polo Architects, (© visionandfactory, 1996).